Our company's finished product business has been successfully expanded

Our company's finished product business has been successfully expanded

Date:2024.09.20 ViewCount:

With our company's keen insight into market trends and continuous improvement of strategic vision, we are proud to inform that we have recently successfully deployed a new production line, focusing on the research and development and production of cutting-edge health food series such as solid beverages and capsule soft candies. This milestone move not only demonstrates our solid steps in the journey of product diversification, but also paves a new and promising road and growth point for the expansion of the company's business territory.

Solid Beverage Series

Solid beverage products not only perfectly retain the natural nutrition and pure flavor of the raw materials, but also meet the urgent needs of consumers for healthy drinks in modern fast-paced life with their instant and convenient design. Whether it is a professional seeking full energy or a family member pursuing a quality life, they can find spiritual comfort and physical nourishment in our solid beverage series. The advent of this series of products will further consolidate and enhance our position and brand influence in the health beverage market.

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Capsule soft candy series

At the same time, we carefully planned and launched the capsule soft candy series. These colorful and chewy soft candies are not only fashionable and eye-catching, but also rich in vitamins, minerals, probiotics and other multi-nutrient ingredients, suitable for people of all ages. Through unremitting technological innovation, we have achieved the harmonious coexistence of deliciousness and health, making healthy living a pleasant lifestyle. This innovative move is bound to attract more young consumers' attention and favor, injecting new vitality and growth points into the company.

A new chapter in business expansion

The smooth operation of the new production line and the successful launch of solid beverages, capsule soft candy and other series have not only greatly enriched our product matrix, but also laid a solid foundation for the comprehensive expansion of the company's business.